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Roberta Ticozzelli

Eventi speciali

"E-reporter" (digital reporter)
Person with camera or mobile telephone who snaps pictures, captures glances and points of view on the events. A new professional figure who, by means of digital technologies, produces and shares information through multi-device platforms.

Nokia Nseries will make its technology available to a group of E-reporters. Ten young people will be provided with Nokia N82 or Nokia N95 8 GB multimedia computers equipped with a 5 mega pixel camera. Thanks to the Nseries devices and their extensive connection capabilities, the selected E-reporters can capture the best moments of the exhibition and publish them online instantly. The most noteworthy multimedia content will then be uploaded onto Share on Ovi, Nokia’s new community for sharing personal media that enables users to easily upload, manage and share contents for free through a mobile device, PC or other connected device (www.ovi.com/share) The E-reporter with the most beautiful pictures will win a Nokia N82.

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Camera: mah una
perchè scegliermi?mah perchè mi avete scelto l'anno scorso e non vedo perchè non dobbiate scegliermi anche quest'anno...perchè sono in erasmus a lisbona ma torno a milano solo per vedere il fuorisalone(perchè il fuorisalone non si può perdere!), perchè, perchè...uhm perchè farò foto fantastiche buttandomi per terra e dove non sarà consentito  chi sono?mah direi una pazza schizzata che crede di essere già una grandissima interior designer(ok il mio ego è un po' alle stelle, ma giusto un poco!)cos'è il fuorisalone per me?è gardaland a milano....si può testare a 360°tutto ciò che c'è di nuovo nel campo del design...e poi per una volta la città ha la possibilità di mostrarsi per ciò che è veramente...colorata e non grigia come molti credono!

why you have to choose me?well because last year you've had chosen me and I don't why you can't chose me again....because in still having my erasmus in lisbon, but i'll come back home only for enjoyed the fuorisalone(becuase you can miss fuorisalone!), because, because...uhm because i'll make amazing pics, lying myself on the floor or where i can't make themwho i am?well i usualy say that i'm a mad girl, and i already think that i'm a big interior designer(ok my ego is really big, i know it!)what is fuorisalone for me?it's eurodisney at milan...you can taste all the brand new design staff...and in that occasion milan can show to all the world who it is...it's colored and not gray!
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E.reporters Fuorisalone

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