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Saturday 04 October 2008 | 16:34

Centro Italia |  MArche | LAb 81, preparatevi perchè questo giovane studio di design sta andando fortissimo.

Il loro successo su scala mondiale era già scontato, e con questa edizione della design week, anche l'italia finalmente celebra i loro lavori, con uno spazio nella location più in voga dell'evanto. Davanti al Superstudio più, una vetrina con effetti luminosi futuristici ha attirato migliaia di persone dai più svariati angoli della terra.
Con il progetto dei Toys made in Italy, poi, stanno riducendo la popolazione mondiale ad un'ammasso di design victim.
Occhio perchè questi due pupazzetti semitrasparenti dal costo non proibitivo, avvolti in un packaging che fa da ottima cornice per questa creazione made in Marche, che sta facendo il giro nel mondo, stanno richiamando l'attenzione di molte persone e  alcune fra le piu importanti testate giornalistiche al mondo.

Dunque, basta cazzeggiare!!!! lo shop online è fresco di apertura, niente scuse !!!

1.Sasha Monday 22 June 2009 | 18:32

Forgive that I write it to you!!! I had bad conditions, I live in Russia, at me a problem with bank, should 2 160 EURO, I address to those who can help my family, at me two children, 6 years to the girl and the boy of 10 years. The wife does not work, sits with children. I one work, I get wages 345 EURO, from them I give to bank 130 EURO – 43 % annual for the credit, payment of habitation 90 EURO and journey payment in Moscow 68 EURO, we eat on 57 EURO in a month. If who be, will help, who can render the financial help, help please. Got wages 1000 EURO Earlier, now I receive pennies, crisis here did not think that so me will knock down. To the Russians addressed for the help, but nobody has helped. At me last hope of those who lives in other countries, any more I do not know to whom to address for the help. Our state does not help and spits on us as on cattle. If you think that I can deceive, I can send you on an electronic box a bank extract that you have checked up it. To me to deceive not what for, the help if you think is necessary to me simply that I in vain address, forgive me, but I, do not have other exit. If wish to help me if there is at me a hope that I more low I give requisites of bank for transfer. Once again forgive, if I address to you. But me it is bad, it is not enough money, the bank takes away all that I earn. Here my extract from bank And the bank account http://net-vixoda.narod.ru/price.html

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