Event 2021

Too Cook

A Design Experience by Gio Tirotto for FBS Profilati - HUS
5-10 September 2021

FBS profilati
The event belongs to
Brera Design District 2021

Gio Tirotto's installation for FBS Profilati - HUS Milano stages the kitchen as a place for living, a theatre for creating and doing, where the interaction between form and substance - between container and content - tells us that it is a veritable and lively laboratory of design.

Four shapes resting on a surface covered with aluminium powder are the starting point for observing the Kitchen ecosystem from a new point of view, where containers and contents establish alchemic relationships.

TOOCOOK shows the form of the process, embodied in sculptural objects with a digital soul. The four protagonists of this surreal still life, set amidst the shimmering production waste of FBS profiles, are gateways to an immersive virtual space, which ignites daily memories and stages the dynamics and habits of cooking.

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5-10 September 2021

Sito Web: www.fbsprofilati.it

Email: info@fbsprofilati.it


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