Brands Salvia: Oltre il Biologico

What moves us is to generate well-being through food.  We believe that well-being comes largely from what we eat, and we cultivate the dream that everyone begins to ask themselves where the food they put on the table comes from. 

That is why we do not tolerate any chemical treatment or contamination and offer 100% natural products, prepared with excellent raw materials and processed to perfection.

Our products come from quality, traceable, transparent and sustainable food supply chains, and our recipes are inspired by the age-old principles of Macrobiotics.

Quality controls are one of the most important aspects of Salvia's philosophy. Thanks to these controls-extended to the entire supply chain and carried out on a random basis-we can guarantee to all our customers total transparency and the correctness of what is stated on the Transparent Label. 

We are so meticulous that every stage of the production process is carefully monitored, proceeding to sampling the soils, the goods contained in the storage warehouses, the seeds and the products.

Specifically, we directly verify the accuracy of the data provided and the absence of synthetic chemicals at various stages of production. We stimulate farmers to fully adhere to the principles of Polyculture. Product sampling continues after harvest, verifying that hygiene standards and quality principles are adhered to at the processing and packaging stages, and that no synthetic chemicals are added. 

Via W. Tobagi, 50

+39 0733 969608
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