Designers Maria Rosa Franzin

Born in Tripoli, Libia, Maria Rosa Franzin studied metal and goldsmith arts at ”Pietro Selvatico” Institute of Art, Padova, and painting at Academy of Fine Arts in Venice. She lives and works in Padua, Italy
Since 1986 she has taught goldsmith design at the “Pietro Selvatico” Institute of Art Padua. AGC Association Chairperson, curator of various contemporary jewellery projects.
She takes part in solo and prestigious group exhibitions in private galleries and museums, permanent collections in Padua (Zuckermann Museum for Applied Arts), Florence (Museo degli Argenti at Palazzo Pitti), New York MAD and several other academic sites.


“After early training in painting, with courses at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, in 1986 Maria Rosa Franzin returned to the Istituto d’Arte Pietro Selvatico in Padua, as a teacher of professional drawing and gold-working design. Since then, jewelry has become her favourite means of expression. As a student of Mario Pinton, Francesco Pavan, Giampaolo Babetto, Franzin absorbed their teachings devoting herself to a tenacious, careful search for personal solutions and coherent poetry. She learnt the discipline of geometry, the linguistic code which is so typical of the Padoan School, but she interprets it with an autonomous language, preferring non-precious metals and creating formal values which exalt the meteoric part of artistic products. Extreme formal simplicity, a predilection for silver, never ostentatious in its lunar light, but burnished, beaten, coated with niello, receiving carefully measured flakes of th epurest gold,. enliven works of refined sobriety, in which the various types of treatment given to surfaces, with specks, nuances, marks, and graduated tones, all emphasise the artist’s exquisite pictorial sensitivity.“ 
(Mirella Cisotto Nalon, in M.Cisotto Nalon, A.M.Spiazzi, Gioielli d’autore. Padova e la scuola dell’oro. U.Allemandi &c, Padova 2008)

Collezioni permanenti / Public collections

2013 Fondazione Raffaele Cominelli, Collezione permanente dedicata al Gioiello Contemporaneo, Palazzo Cominelli, Cisano S.Felice/Salò IT
2008 Museo degli Argenti, Collezione permanente dedicata al Gioiello Contemporaneo, Palazzo Pitti, Firenze IT

Mostre personali / Solo exhibitions
2018 Four Gallery, Goteborg

Selected group exhibitions
2021 Jewelry_at_Home, Archivio Negroni Milano 
2020 Hand Medal Project
2019 Influences, Thereza Pedrosa Gallery
2018 Putti Gallery Riga, Latvia / Exiting Isabella Hund Gallery
2016 Past present, Mariani & Franzin, Galleria Alternatives, Roma
2009 Gioielli d'autore, Padova e la Scuola dell'oro 
2003 Italienische Schmuckkunst, Galerie Slavik, Wien


For Fuorisalone 2021 the designer takes part in "Jewelry_at_home" at Archivio Negroni Milano.

Nation: Italy
Birth date: 11/08/1951
(73 years old)