Designers Johannes Girardoni Chromasonic

Chromasonic is an innovative arts + research lab that creates sites for immersive light and sound experiences to foster wellbeing. Chromasonic was formed in 2019 by multi-media and installation artists Johannes Girardoni and Harriet Girardoni, with sound artists and composers Orpheo McCord and Joel Shearer. In Chromasonic’s synesthetic environments, participants see sound and hear color to inspire expanded states of awareness and connection. The melding of sensory modalities blurs boundaries between physical and perceived realities, suspending participants in a radical state of presence. Chromasonic is conducting neuroscientific research to illuminate the emotional, cognitive, physiological, and neurological effects of Chromasonic Refrequencing on participants. Chromasonic believes in the potential of the arts as a catalyst to harmonize mind and body and is building a network of temporary and permanent sites to support a sensory practice for wellbeing. Chromasonic’s first permanent site open to the public is “Satellite One” in Venice, California.

Nation: United States