Event 2024

UMBRAL - Il tempio dell'ascolto

Special Mention Fuorisalone Award

Umbral il Tempio dell'Ascolto , realised by Rubner Haus, is a collective project that brings together different perspectives, starting from the experiences of the three designers Carlo Farina, Veronica Pesenti Rossi, Memo Sánchez Cárdenas under the guidance of the Franco Albini Foundation. A project born from the annual competition "Progettare futuri possibili" (Designing possible futures) that promotes synergy between the institutional, academic and industrial worlds in search of a synthesis between tradition and innovation. The fulcrum of the installation is the Blockhaus, an ancient solid wood construction system among those used by Rubner Haus for its wooden architectures, which the designers have been challenged to reinterpret in the language of contemporaneity through the principles of the Albini Method of decomposition, research of the essence, recomposition, verification and social responsibility. The rectangular plan structure encloses a space modulated on different heights, within which light rays mark the passing of time. A red thread - both real and symbolic - gives life inside Umbral to a central tree, symbolising the bond that unites people in a single community of sharing and inspiration. It is here that, in a game of co-creation, visitors will unveil hidden paintings by young artists from different cultures and countries. More than just a cultural facility, Umbral il Tempio dell'Ascolto is an immersive experience. 

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