Event 2021

Buio. Utopie di luce.

An exhibition by Davide Groppi

In occasion of the Milano Design Week 2021, Davide Groppi is glad to invite you to visit an exhibition of unique projects, but also of future creations, possible and impossible.

Utopie di luce.

 The visitor is welcomed in the darkness and led through a maze.
Artificial light reveals itself in an original, playful, amazing way, as if it was for the first time.
The creations appear as distant glimmers in total darkness, feeble presences in an absolute black setting.
They are works of free fantasy, negations of functionality and rationality, contradictions, allegories, utopias.

Sometimes, making light is just a story.
In the end, it is not dark yet.


Preview 3rd September
5.00 pm - 9.00 pm

Opening 4th - 10th September
10.00 am - 7.00 pm

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