Designers IDEO

IDEO is a global design company that specialises in product, digital, and service design. Founded in 1991, IDEO has become one of the most influential design firms in the world. They have offices in various countries and a client list that includes some of the world’s largest and most innovative companies. IDEO has won awards for their design work and has been featured in publications such as Fast Company, Forbes, and The New York Times. IDEO uses a design thinking approach to design products, services, environments, and digital experiences. They are known for their humancentred, interdisciplinary approach. Typically, their design process involves brainstorming, prototyping, and 
testing. IDEO are early leaders in design thinking. They create positive impact through design by applying a creative mindset and skills, and by teaching others to do the same. They help clients and customers around the world build the capacity and outcomes required to navigate today’s complexity and lead their markets. As problem solvers, IDEO drives change, builds new ventures, and designs digital and tangible experiences in business, social, and governmental sectors through co-creation with their clients. As teachers, they help individuals, teams, and organisations cultivate the confidence they need to step into the future with optimism and creativity.