Designers GAB BOIS

Her "stop-and-stare" artworks are compositions of perceptions of social signs and symbols used in today’s hyperreal capitalist society, transforming objects from daily life into satirical artistic pieces that create impactful imagery. 

She challenges boredom with visual arts inspired by hype culture.  Any seemingly anonymous object is transformed into something unexpectedly interesting.


A nostalgic childhood image that revolves around the fascinating process of changing states, from liquid to semi-solid, and a focus on furniture design. The comfy sofa turned into a retro Jell-O form is the dreamy output of her iconic ability to transform objects from daily life into satirical pieces, capable of filling Multi Form* with a playful and festive energy.



When Gab Bois started reasoning around her artwork, there was no doubt about what was going to be. A childhood image revolving around the fascinating process of state change from liquid to semi-solid stroke back as soon as the opportunity to focus on furniture design arrived. The comfy sofa turned into a retro Jello-O is the dreamy output of her iconic ability to transform daily life objects into satirical pieces, capable of filling Multi Form* with a playful and festive energy.

Nation: Canada