Cino Zucchi - The city and its resilient form
Interview with Cino Zucchi, architect
From 15/06 AT 08:00

Cino Zucchi - The city and its resilient form

Interview with Cino Zucchi, architect

The city is the human environment in which a lot of knowledge crosses, it is a large ecosystem in which the social dimension, politics, economy, urban design, the project of buildings and interiors are compared. Designing means imagining something before it is realized and this is the reason why architects, more than others, are called to question the future of urban spaces. However, the shape of the city as a whole will not undergo a real change because the transformation times are very long; adaptive behaviors will change. It is important now to understand what are the objective conditions of the spaces that guarantee a state of well-being even beyond individual behaviors.

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