Event 2021


Ten designers project a collection of marble objects for the table, curated by the architect Davide Colaci

The event belongs to
Best of Fuorisalone 2021

Marimar (www.marimar.net), a company specialized in the sale of slabs that has been operating for over twenty years in the marble, granite, agglomerate and natural stone sector, arrives at the Fuorisalone with Convivium, a project curated by the Milanese architect Davide Colaci (www.davidefabiocolaci.it).

Ten designers selected to create a collection of objects for the marble table with the aim of finding unexpected ways of expression for our domestic everydaylife: Analogia project, Eligo Studio, Federico Angi, Giorgio Bonaguro, Gustavo Martini, Flatwig Studio, Maddalena Selvini, Matteo Agati, Philippe Tabet e Ronald Sasson.

Convivium was born from the idea of making the most of the expressiveness of the stone material of the stones and marbles of Marimar, working on the microscale of the contemporary project. Ten objects for the table, from which the name Convivium derives, enhance the moment of sharing and being together, inhabiting the table as a sometimes surreal landscape, at the same time symbolic and functional.

"The projects of the ten designers have a very strong symbolic charge in this historical period, linked to a concept of sharing with others which, in an era of global pandemic, is becoming increasingly important. The objects have been transformed and today the idea of meeting around a table has a completely new value. Each designer I called to design with Marimar’s stones and marbles responded differently, working on the theme of ritual, food, sharing, but they all gave the material an evident symbolic and metaphorical strength. Everyone has interpreted the material nature of the stones, expressing the ability of the material to be transformed, worked and above all storytold. This project is alive thanks to Marimar's know-how in accompanying the designers in the whole process ", says Davide F. Colaci.

The exhibition, on display from 5 to 10 September on the occasion of the Milan Design Week 2021, aims to create a light atmosphere: a large table in transparent Plexiglas, the archetype of conviviality, on which the ten objects for the table float inside Design Republic (Via della Chiusa).

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